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Victim Services



The Victim Services Division supports and assists survivors of crime through the efforts of Victim Assistance Coordinators (VACs). These compassionate professionals serve as a vital resource to help victims navigate the criminal justice system and ensure victims’ rights are respected. To contact Victim Services, please call 713-274-0250.

Victim Assistance Coordinators

(VACs) serve as liaisons between victims and prosecutors to help guide victims through the criminal justice process. VACs provide victims with their rights as a crime victim, attend court proceedings with victims if requested, keep victims updated on the status of their case as requested, and answer any questions or concerns victims may have about the criminal justice system. VACs can also provide victims with community resources upon request and assist with completing an application for the Texas Crime Victims Compensation Program.

As a victim of a violent crime, you have the right to complete a Victim Impact Statement, which is a form used to gather information about how the crime has affected you physically, financially and emotionally. This form follows the defendant through the criminal justice system and can be used by the judge when determining sentencing and also by the Board of Pardons & Paroles when determining parole eligibility. A victim may also give a verbal Victim Impact Statement in court as testimony during the trial and after the defendant has been sentenced (also known as Allocution or Right to Speak).

Your VAC can provide you with a Victim Impact Statement, assist you with completing the form and provide preparation and guidance during testimony and allocution. For more information about your rights as a crime victim, please visit:

Texas Constitution Rights of Crime Victims, Article I Sec. 30

Texas Code of Criminal Procedure, Chapter 56a


Victim Resources

Victim Notification Everyday (VINE)

Texas Attorney General Crime Victims' Compensation

Texas Department of Criminal Justice – Victim Services Division

Office for Victims of Crime (OVC)

United Way Greater Houston

Parents of Murdered Children Houston Chapter

MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Driving)

Where are you located?

We are at 1201 Franklin on the second floor. Exit the elevator and take a left. At the end of the hallway, take a right into Victim Services.

Here's a map to the building.


How long does it take for most cases to work their way through the court system?

It can take years for some criminal cases to be completed. Please know that regardless of how long the process takes, your case is important to us and our team is here to assist you in any way we can.


Does your office provide interpreters?

We use a language service to communicate in almost any language, including American Sign Language. We have caseworkers who speak a variety of languages.


How do I find out which prosecutor is assigned to my case?

You may call us at 713-274-0250 and our staff will connect you with the prosecutor assigned to your case.


Who ultimately decides punishment in a case?

In most cases the prosecutor in the case will present a sentencing offer, which could be prison time or probation. This decision is based on a full evaluation of the applicable laws and facts of the case, including the opinion of the victim or the guardian of the victim.

If the defendant chooses to decline the State’s offer, then in some cases they can plea to be sentenced by a judge or exercise their right to a jury trial. If the case goes to trial and the defendant is found guilty by the jury, the defendant may choose to be sentenced by the judge or the jury.


Do victims have to testify in court?

For the majority of cases the victim will be asked to testify, even if they are a child. We recognize that testifying in court can be frightening for both children and adults. Our trained team of prosecutors, paralegals, investigators, social workers and community partners are committed to helping victims through the process.


Who else can I contact for assistance?

Please visit Victim Resources or call 713-274-0250.