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Mission Statement

The Harris County District Attorney's Office is dedicated to making our community safer through the pursuit of truth and justice. Our role as prosecutors is not to convict, but to ensure that justice is done. We are committed to protecting the public, serving with integrity and dedication to the truth, being a voice for survivors, while upholding the rights of the accused. We believe in a criminal justice system that is both compassionate and efficient, where public safety and fairness are not mutually exclusive.

Our office strives to lead with transparency, empathy, and accountability, creating a justice system that works for everyone in Harris County. Together, we will rebuild trust, reduce backlogs, and ensure that every individual receives the justice they deserve.

Know More
Picture of downtown Houston
Picture of Harris DA's Office

We Are Here To Help:

Where is your office located?

Our office is located on the 6th floor of the Harris County Criminal Justice Center.

1201 Franklin St, Houston, TX 77002

How do I find my court date and other information about my case?

Find your court date via the District Clerk's office.

Where do I park?

Surface, garage, and street parking are available around the Criminal Justice Complex.

Can I get an interpreter?

Yes, our office has a an extensive victim assistance program including language services, victim resources, and other vital information for those effected by crime.

Recent News


Sean Teare To Be Sworn In As District Attorney

In first act as DA, Teare to fulfill campaign promised by swearing in experienced prosecutors, and revamping Intake division


District Attorney Elect Announces Key Leadership

Incoming staff to bring over 150 years of combined legal experience to the DA's Office.


Sean Teare is Elected New District Attorney

On Nov 4, 2024 Sean Teare was elected the new Harris County District Attorney.